Termékek kellogg gabona (4)

6 féle gyorsan főzhető gabonapehely keveréke - Pelyhek egy dobozban

6 féle gyorsan főzhető gabonapehely keveréke - Pelyhek egy dobozban

Such flakes have a high content of dietary fiber and macro-microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, iron, silicon. And the most pleasant thing is that the mixture of flakes of 6 types of TM "TERRA" cereals is prepared quickly, freeing up a lot of time for pleasant leisure. It is enough to pour boiling water over them and leave for a while
7 féle gyorsan főzhető gabonapehely keveréke - súlypehely

7 féle gyorsan főzhető gabonapehely keveréke - súlypehely

Useful and tasty ? _ This is exactly about the mixture of flakes of 7 types of TM "TERRA" cereals. They can be used as a side dish to a meat dish or as an independent dish with the addition of butter or olive oil
5 féle instant gabonapehely keveréke - Pelyhek műanyag csomagolásban

5 féle instant gabonapehely keveréke - Pelyhek műanyag csomagolásban

Do you want to be energized for the whole day? A mixture of flakes of 5 types of TM "TERRA" cereals is a great breakfast that energizes the body for the whole day. Flakes are prepared using oat, wheat, barley, rye and buckwheat flakes. The composition of such flakes includes all trace elements and vitamins necessary for health.
m Márkájú Szárazon - Gabonafélék különleges csomagolásban

m Márkájú Szárazon - Gabonafélék különleges csomagolásban

"M" semolina from TM "TERRA" will give you a taste from childhood. We produce products of this category from soft wheat grown in Ukraine. It can be used to prepare porridge, fritters, cutlets, casseroles. Semolina porridge is useful for both adults and children. In combination with milk, this product is twice as tasty. Such porridge can be eaten for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Cooking will not take much time, but the feeling of satiety will be present with you for a long time.